Sunday, December 21, 2008

Paper, What Paper?

My attempt to read the Sunday paper on the chaise in the sun......

I was popular.

it turned cold here last week. Drizzly, windy, foggy and cold. I could have done with 70's during the winter, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Vacation Countdown:

Mexico Cruise (1/31/09) - 40 days

Spain/Portugal (3/20/09) - 89 days

Lark's retirement (3/30/09 - you can't be working on the last day of the month) - 99 days

I have two gifts yet to make for Xmas, then I'm done. Made wine glass charms, hors d'oeuvres utensils (olive forks & spreaders), and bottle stoppers for the 3 Admin Managers, my Admin Assistant and a friend at work. I should have taken a picture...they turned out great. I impressed everyone with the fact that I made them. yes, I am crafty. I also made little purse photo albums for the other assistants in Admin. They went over OK. They are just not the fru fru types. Christmas will probably be just Lark & me. Kathy may come over for Xmas eve, but has decided she has to put in an appearance at her brother's on Xmas day. I'm makeing tacos for Xmas eve and brunch Xmas day.

Mostly I'm looking forward to a few days off. I didn't really get to enjoy my time off during Thanksgiving, since I had bronchitis. I've been waffling on taking all day on Dec 24th (we already get half day). I had the 26th and 1/2/09 scheduled as vacation, then the County decided to close and have us all take vacation. Either way I'm off 5 days, work 3, then off 4 more. I love this time of year - only for that.

More later...............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures---keeps me so up on the events at the Downs home ---and the kitties--, so much apart of that home. You are just getting too crafty I bought the styrophom to make shell trees---and never got to it----