Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I was listening to Bob and Tom on the way to work this morning, which is unusual in and of itself. I can usually handled about 5 minutes of their forced laughter. But this morning they were interviewing the founder of the Lawn Rangers. This group of guys has been together over 20 years. Their thing is pushing lawn mowers and twirling brooms in parades. They've worked their way up to more than just the Corn Parade over the years. In fact, they've been invited to participate in the Inagural Parade after Obama's swearing in. They are from Illinois after all. The interview was pretty funny. They all have nicknames. Chick McGee from Bob and Tom wanted to join their group so the offered to nickname hime the GrassHole. Appropriate.

This is a pic from their website:

Love their motto...You're only young once...but you can be immature forever.


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