Saturday, November 8, 2008


Wow, what a week. YES WE CAN was the catch phrase for most of it. I can’t tell you how excited I am to be part of history. Yes, Barack Obama is the first African American US President. More than that, he’s instilled a needed sense of optimism, at least among Democrats. I’ve been very impressed with how others throughout the world have followed this election. I’ve cruised several digital scrapping sites and have been amazed at the blog comments from those in Canada, the Philippines, South America & France. One blogger in Germany not only was very familiar with the presidential election, but expressed dismay over the outcome of Prop 8 in California.
Prop 8 invalidated gay marriage in California. I know people have strong feelings both ways about this topic and I can respect that. However, I don’t believe anyone has the right to legislate how someone else lives. I was appalled at the outcome as well. The US took a large step forward for equality and supposedly liberal California took 2 back. However, there have already been 3 major lawsuits filed, so I really expect this to be overturned.

Work sucks. What else is new? It is so disheartening to spend 2 full days totally revamping our bleeping budget only to go into a meeting and have the first words out of someone’s mouth be “this isn’t right”. Thank goodness I’m off until Thursday. However, not all of that will be for fun and profit. I’m scheduled for a colonoscopy on Wednesday morning, so Tuesday afternoon will be miserable. Happy Veteran’s Day.

132 days until we leave for Spain and Portugal. YEAH!!!!!!! In between then and now, Lark & I have a Mexico cruise scheduled (1st week of February). Then he retires on March 29th. I won’t even be here. I’ll think of him from Europe.

Lark found out a few days ago that there’s a group of Spring Creek golfers going to Myrtle Beach in September…at the same time we’ll be there. He’s jazzed that he’ll have buddies to play with part of the time.

Celebrated our 26th anniversary on the 6th. Lark gave me a diamond palm tree necklace that he had seen in a catalog on the way to Kona last year. Talk about planning. It’s beautiful. As usual I didn’t get him anything, so that gives him free passage to buy some golf or guitar related gadget. Speaking of guitars, he’s been asked to fill in on bass for a friend the next couple of Thursday nights at this dive biker bar. Lark’s pretty excited. Guess its Groupie time for me.

1 comment:

Οrigin Hellania said...

Waaawooo AAAA What for a great gift concrats all the best hugs & lots of love from Greece