Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nuts to Allergies

Nice test grid, huh?

Mystery solved. 57 pin pricks later and I appear to be allergic to nuts. Tested positive for almonds and peanuts. Who'd a thought? 51 years old and suddenly developing food allergies. I have to abstain from any kind of nut for 3 weeks, and since I'm on vacation in less than 3 weeks, I might as well extend it through Spain. This would be no big deal, BUT.....the allergist decides I should also abstain from chocolate and Diet Pepsi. How the Hell am I supposed to go 5 weeks without chocolate or Diet Pepsi. Especially when I'm trying to put together a budget? This will be torture. At least I wasn't allergic to cats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

VACATION!!!!!!I'll be meeting you in Atlanta---Can Hardly wait!Boy, this allergy thing just jumped on you ---nuts, huh ? We'll check the list of ingredients in our wine